OPEN TODAY: 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Fishing at Wildlife Prairie Park

You'll Be Hooked!

Wildlife Prairie Park has 7 lakes that allow fishing. Fishing is open to any guest at the Park with an Illinois Fishing license. One can be obtained online through the IDNR website.

In addition to regular IDNR Rules and Regulations, we ask that guests partaking in fishing also follow Wildlife Prairie Park rules and regulations.

Fishing Rules
  • Fishing is open during Park hours. We open at 9 am every day. During the winter months we close at 4:30 p.m. and during warmer months we close at 6 p.m.

  • 2 pole and line fishing only

  • No alcohol

  • No swimming or wading

  • No open fires

  • Please put trash in trash bins

  • Trolling motors only

Daily Catch Limits

Daily catch limits vary by lake and are as follows:

  • Largemouth Bass and/or Smallmouth Bass - 3

  • Channel Catfish - 6

  • Bluegill and/or Redear Sunfish - 25

  • Crappie - 25

  • Tiger and/or Muskie - 1

Fishing at Wildlife Prairie Park

VIA Membership

VIA (Very Important Angler) Membership

If fishing is more than a hobby, then you might be the perfect candidate for our Very Important Angler Membership! You’ll get private access to all seven professionally managed/stocked Wildlife Prairie Park lakes and all funds raised will go to preserving and enhancing our fishing experience.

VIA Membership Details

Our Lakes & Fish Population

Beaver Lake

Beaver Lake

Large Mouth Bass, Bluegill, Golden Shiners & Grass Carp

Deep Lake

Deep Lake

Large Mouth Bass, Bluegill, Redear Sunfish, Black Crappie, Channel Catfish & Tiger Muskie

North Lake

North Lake

Large Mouth Bass & Bluegill

Taylor Lake

Taylor Lake

Large Mouth Bass, Bluegill, Black Crappie, Channel Catfish & Tiger Muskie

East Horseshoe Lake

East Horseshoe Lake

Large Mouth Bass, Bluegill, Redear Sunfish, Channel Catfish & Black Crappie

West Horseshoe Lake

West Horseshoe Lake

Unsurveyed pending new boat ramp

Caboose Lake

Caboose Lake

Bluegill, catch and release only

Wildlife Prairie Park Lakes Overview Map

Lakes Overview