OPEN TODAY: 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Being Prepared Survival Skills Class

with Panther Creek Survival and Life Skills

Part 1 of the 8 Part Wilderness Survival Series

Being Prepared Survival Skills Class serves to prepare the student for the possibility of finding themselves in a survival situation. This class clearly outlines the Eight Necessities of Survival and provides a number of memory tools to help enhance students’ ability to remember and recall necessary survival information while dealing with stress or trauma. Focusing on elements that have been proven time and again to be key factors whether a person survives in a true survival situation, the course will not only identify these elements, but also cover a number of ways to train, enhance, and develop skills and abilities to maximize your chances of survival. There will be a discussion about some of the tools, equipment, and survival gear that will assist you in a survival situation and that you should always carry with you. Topics covered also include:

  • Eight Necessities
  • “Survival Memory Tools”
  • Importance of skill development and practice
  • Fitness, and “survival attitude”
  • Legal considerations of outdoor adventuring
  • Before you go – Steps to prepare
  • Emergency action plans
  • Kits – Survival Kits, Bug Out Bags, Get Home Bags, essential components
  • Tools and items to enhance chances of survival
  • The BEST kit


Survival Skills classes are designed for ages 14+ and scouts. All minors must be accompanied by an adult. 

Price: $36 for WPP Members; $40 for non-members

Location: Meet at Recreation Hall.  Enter through the Main Park and the Ticket Gate Attendants can help with directions.

Basics: Bushcraft is educational, encourages creativity and physical activity. Participants should dress for the weather and bring water and a snack if desired.  Taking notes is highly recommended.

What to bring:  Students may bring their own personal Every Day Carry, Survival Kits, Bug Out Bags, Get Home Bags, etc. but this is not necessary.  At the end of the class we will take time to go over kit contents and answer questions about students individual kits.

BePrepared Survival Skills Event
Wildlife Prairie Park - 3826 N. Taylor Rd., Hanna City, IL 61536
Sign Up

Photography Notice

Wildlife Prairie Park occasionally takes photographs or video of participants for promoting/advertising our programs, services, events, activities, and facilities in our brochures, website, social media, and other promotional materials. By entering Wildlife Prairie Park or registering for, participating in or attending the Park’s programs, events, or other activities, the participant (or parent/guardian of a minor participant) irrevocably agrees to the use and distribution by Wildlife Prairie Park of his or her image (or of his minor child/ward) in photographs, video recordings, and any other electronic reproductions of such programs, events and activities for any purpose without inspection or approval and without compensation, rights to royalties or any other consideration now and in the future.